
Hello, Third Period!

For your ORB written assignment, I am requiring you to make three postings to this blog about your ORB. You must choose three different options from the "blogging options" handout (on First Class). I am looking for your commentary, which should make obvious why your ORB "educates your conscience."

Please, adhere to the expectations explained on the rubric (also on First Class).

Happy blogging!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Travel team by Mike lupica

1. My first impression of danny was that he was a small kid with alot of heart. He reminds me of santiago a little bit because when santiago is fishing he never gives up. You can tell by his behavior that he loves the game of basketball. He never gves up. You learn from danny that you cant measure heart. "He knew he was small." "He just didnt think he was small". "Big difference".

6. When danny gets in a fight with a kid name teddy it really makes me angry because teddy starts bad mouthing dannys father. I dont like it when you talk about someones parents. "Your dad? teddy said. sponser a team? With what his bar tips.?" Dannys father spends a ton of time at the bar watching games and drinking. Dannys father use to play basketball and was about to go pro until he got into a crash that change him as a person. By teddy saying this it made danny hurt and mad inside. Both boys get into a fight. Danny gets in major trouble with his mother and gets grounded for a week. A whole week of no TV,video games, or computer.

11. this book takes place in the 20th century, in a little town known has middle town. In the book they mention the city is a small town, also the clothing worn in the book are casual colthing worn today, and finally you really couldnt tell the seasons. Travel basketball is played all around from my experience. I would love to be in this situation because i feel that danny is the underdog and i love being the underdog in situations because then as danny i could prove to everyone that i should have made the travel team. If this took place along time ago i dont think any thing would really have been different. Maybe the clothing and shoes might have look different but no drastic change. He parked near the corner of clevand and earl.... in this stupid small small- minded town."

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